
Latest News for 2014

Dr. Valeriy Sukharev visited UCR Riverside

Dr. Valeriy Sukharev visited UCR Riverside . Dr. Sukharev is a leading scientist in the Calibre group in Mentor Graphics. He is an well-known expert on the reliability analysis and modeling for VLSI systems. He is a industry liaison of one funded SRC/NSF project at MSLAB. Dr. Sukharev presented an invited talk titled The physics...

Best Paper Award candidate in the coming IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference

Our work and paper on electro-migration based reliability analysis has been nominated as the Best Paper Award candidate in the coming IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference, which is the primary design technology conference in the semiconductor and EDA industry. X. Huang, T. Yu, V. Sukharev, S. X.-D. Tan, Physics-based electromigration assessment for power grid networks, Proc...

Nvdia Corporation donated a new K40 GPU

Nvdia Corporation donated a new K40 GPU, which is the last Kepler series GPU from Nvidia as part of CUDA Research Center Prof. Tan established at UCR. The new GPU, which costs about $5000, will significant boost the GPU and parallel algorithm development in MSLAB.