
Latest News for 2022

Our recent work on EM-aware optimization using ML was accepted by TCAD

Our recent work, led by Ph.D. student, Han Zhou, to optimize the on-chip power grid networks considering the electromigration effects using machine learning based approach has been accepted by TCAD. This work represents our new approach to addressing the challenging EM failure and aging issues in the nanometer VLSI chip design. Our study shows that...

Ph.D. Students from VSCLAB received industry intern offers for summer 2022

Most of senior PhD students in VSCLAB have received internship job offers for summer 2022. Wentian will work for Synopysis for machine learning related projects. Jinwei Zhang will work for Nvidia. Shuyuan will work for PrimeShield group in Synopsys. Subed Lamichhane will work in Synopsys and Yibo Liu will also work in the Synopsys for...

Chimay Raje won DAC Young Fellow award for DAC2022

First-year Ph.D. student Chinmay Raje received DAC Young Fellow award to attend DAC 2022. Congratulation on him.

Wentian won Dissertation Year Program (DYP) Fellowship for 2022-2023

Ph.D. student Wentian Jin won UCR Dissertation Year Program (DYP) Fellowships for 2022-2023 from UCR graduate division. This fellowship is very competitive for all the Ph.D. students in the UCR to graduate in 2022-2023 academic year. This is a significant achievement for Wentian for his excellent academic performances and research achievement. Congrats on him!